39 research outputs found

    A hilbert-style axiomatisation for equational hybrid logic

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    This paper introduces an axiomatisation for equational hybrid logic based on previous axiomatizations and natural deduction systems for propositional and first-order hybrid logic. Its soundness and completeness is discussed. This work is part of a broader research project on the development a general proof calculus for hybrid logics

    A New Approach to Epistemic Logic

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    A new language for epistemic logic is introduced in which the epis- temic operators are of the form j x : x1 : : : xnj with the intended read- ing \x knows of x1 : : : xn that ...". Analogously we can express \t knows of t1 : : : tn that ... ", where t; t1 : : : tn are terms. An advantage of this approach is that we can quantify on the agents, \every y knows of x1 : : : xn that A" or \some expert knows of t1 : : : tn that A" can easily be expressed. The semantics we present for this language is a generalization of the transition semantics, called epistemic transition semantics in which the possible worlds are states of affairs compatible with the epistemic state of some agent. A calculus is presented and shown to be complete with respect to epistemic transition semantics

    Hybridization of institutions

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    Extended version including all proofsModal logics are successfully used as specification logics for reactive systems. However, they are not expressive enough to refer to individual states and reason about the local behaviour of such systems. This limitation is overcome in hybrid logics which introduce special symbols for naming states in models. Actually, hybrid logics have recently regained interest, resulting in a number of new results and techniques as well as applications to software specification. In this context, the first contribution of this paper is an attempt to ‘universalize’ the hybridization idea. Following the lines of [DS07], where a method to modalize arbitrary institutions is presented, the paper introduces a method to hybridize logics at the same institution-independent level. The method extends arbitrary institutions with Kripke semantics (for multi-modalities with arbitrary arities) and hybrid features. This paves the ground for a general result: any encoding (expressed as comorphism) from an arbitrary institution to first order logic (FOL) deter- mines a comorphism from its hybridization to FOL. This second contribution opens the possibility of effective tool support to specification languages based upon logics with hybrid features.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Studying strategies and types of players:Experiments, logics and cognitive models

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    How do people reason about their opponent in turn-taking games? Often, people do not make the decisions that game theory would prescribe. We present a logic that can play a key role in understanding how people make their decisions, by delineating all plausible reasoning strategies in a systematic manner. This in turn makes it possible to construct a corresponding set of computational models in a cognitive architecture. These models can be run and fitted to the participants’ data in terms of decisions, response times, and answers to questions. We validate these claims on the basis of an earlier game-theoretic experiment about the turn-taking game “Marble Drop with Surprising Opponent”, in which the opponent often starts with a seemingly irrational move. We explore two ways of segregating the participants into reasonable “player types”. The first way is based on latent class analysis, which divides the players into three classes according to their first decisions in the game: Random players, Learners, and Expected players, who make decisions consistent with forward induction. The second way is based on participants’ answers to a question about their opponent, classified according to levels of theory of mind: zero-order, first-order and second-order. It turns out that increasing levels of decisions and theory of mind both correspond to increasing success as measured by monetary awards and increasing decision times. Next, we use the logical language to express different kinds of strategies that people apply when reasoning about their opponent and making decisions in turn-taking games, as well as the ‘reasoning types’ reflected in their behavior. Then, we translate the logical formulas into computational cognitive models in the PRIMs architecture. Finally, we run two of the resulting models, corresponding to the strategy of only being interested in one’s own payoff and to the myopic strategy, in which one can only look ahead to a limited number of nodes. It turns out that the participant data fit to the own-payoff strategy, not the myopic one. The article closes the circle from experiments via logic and cognitive modelling back to predictions about new experiments

    A hybrid dynamic logic for event/data-based systems

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    We propose E↓ -logic as a formal foundation for the specification and development of event-based systems with local data states. The logic is intended to cover a broad range of abstraction levels from abstract requirements specifications up to constructive specifications. Our logic uses diamond and box modalities over structured actions adopted from dynamic logic. Atomic actions are pairs Open image in new window where e is an event and /ψ a state transition predicate capturing the allowed reactions to the event. To write concrete specifications of recursive process structures we integrate (control) state variables and binders of hybrid logic. The semantic interpretation relies on event/data transition systems; specification refinement is defined by model class inclusion. For the presentation of constructive specifications we propose operational event/data specifications allowing for familiar, diagrammatic representations by state transition graphs. We show that E↓-logic is powerful enough to characterise the semantics of an operational specification by a single E↓-sentence. Thus the whole development process can rely on E↓-logic and its semantics as a common basis. This includes also a variety of implementation constructors to support, among others, event refinement and parallel composition.publishe

    A four-valued hybrid logic with non-dual modal operators

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    Hybrid logics are an extension of modal logics where it is possible to refer to a specific state, thus allowing the description of what happens at specific states, equalities and transitions between them. This makes hybrid logics very desirable to work with relational structures. However, as the amount of information grows, it becomes increasingly more common to find inconsistencies. Information collected about a particular hybrid structure is not an exception. Rather than discarding all the data congregated, working with a paraconsistent type of logic allows us to keep it and still make sensible inferences. In this paper we introduce a four-valued semantics for hybrid logic, where contradictions are allowed both at the level of propositional variables and accessibility relations. A distinguishing feature of this new logic is the fact that the classical equivalence between modal operators will be broken. A sound and complete tableau system is also presented.publishe